Our Pledge

Our Pledge to the Environment

"Climate change is happening, humans are causing it, and I think this is perhaps the most serious environmental issue facing us" - Bill Nye

An Eco-Centric Business

We pledge to make sure that everything we do is in service to doing something to help the environment. We would never put a product online that does not help the environment. We will help to provide products that are as environmentally friendly as possible, not the cheapest.

Keeping Delivery Eco-Friendly

The largest problem with environmentally friendly promotional products is of course delivering, particularly if these come from overseas. Therefore, we are providing a opt-in carbon offset program where you can make an extra donation to offset the amount of carbon you will use in getting the products delivered to you. Find out more below.

Helping You Help the Environment

We will not only provide the service and quality of products that you deserve, but we will provide you with advice to help run an eco-friendly office and help you use your influence on your customers to make a much larger difference.

Our Carbon Offset Program

Some clients are concerned that they buy recycled products for their promotions only to discover that they are made in India or China and shipping them around the world by air undoes the great work they want to do in helping the environment.

It is possible to offset the effects of the air ship by carbon offsetting through accredited organisations. The carbon offset system works by calculating the carbon dioxide effect of your actions and then giving enough money to projects that help offset that CO2. Projects might include:
  • Tree planting - both UK and international. Provides a wildlife sanctuary as well as offsetting carbon dioxide.
  • Investments into solar panels for schools.
  • Investments into wind farms to power locations in the third world.
This is what we want to help you achieve.

It does not have to be costly. Importing 1,000 recycled caps from China would mean moving a weight of 85-100kg across 9,600km from China to London. This would create by air 634kg of CO2. To offset this at £6.00 a tonne would cost £3.78 in total on order costing around £2,000 or around 0.2% additional cost. Clearly heavier products would change the calculation but the fact is this is a minor cost.

You can off set your carbon directly with https://www.carbonfootprint.com/ or Pavilion Earth can do this for you and then provide you with the certification that the money has been invested in Environment Carbon Offset Projects.

Time to make the right choice when investing in your next promotional products.
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