

Eco Friendly Beanies 

 Don't let the cold weather hinder your marketing efforts. Whether you are handing these out to security standing outside an event or know your target market loves hiking mountains, these promotional beanies are ideal for increasing your brand awareness... and keeping your customers warm.
Certified organic cotton. The cotton is grown using low environmental impact methods and products without the use of toxic chemical fertilisers and pesticides.
Colours: grey, black, navy, olive, red.

Beanie with cuff. Turn up the edge to protect you from the wind and cold.

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Further Information

The beanie has become quite the fashion product – once the preserve of walkers and those wanting protection from the elements – has now become a youth symbol and the headwear of choice for the stars of film and music. Popular promotional item for the younger generation

The eco credentials of these beanies comes for the fact they are made from organic cotton. Being cotton they will naturally biodegrade. Being organic means that the cotton is grown in a certified organic way with the necessary reduction in the use of pesticides.

Branding is best achieved by embroidery and the fine weave of the cotton means that the embroidery can be quite detailed.


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